Are you thinking about selling this winter, next spring or early summer? In real estate, presentation is everything. Winter grey skies, bland white yards and dead landscaping may result in longer market time or potentially reduce resale value.  Make sure your home stands out from the rest with LUSH GREEN LANDSCAPING, blossoming flowers, and leafy green trees by getting green photography done before the weather changes!

When you sell your home, warm green grass is better than cold white snow! Request your free green photo shoot now to GET MORE GREEN ($$$) for your house later.

Buyers want to see what your home's yard and landscaping look like in the summer. So, by taking these photos now - before the leaves fall and the snow flies, buyers will have a true representation of your home in full bloom. It just makes sense and can mean more money in your pocket when you are ready to sell! 

Schedule a time for our photographers to stop by and take exterior photos free of charge.

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