Don’t Stress Yourself Out..Just Make Connections!

Are you stressing yourself out because the people your prospecting or clients that your working with aren’t booking appointments, aren’t interested in looking at houses, don’t want to meet you right now⁉️

Everything is going be ok…

that’s funny for me to say…

because every year I tell myself this and every year at this time I get a little nervous. It’s normal - it’s not just you…

We’re 6 days to Christmas…

of course people have been putting you off for the last 2-3 weeks…

and the likelihood of you booking more appointments between now and the of the year are getting slimmer and slimmer…

it’s minus fifteen outside right now…

I don’t even want to go out and meet with anyone…

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Laying Awake At Night Worrying About Tough Clients?Don't Get Down On Yourself

Are you laying awake at night worrying about a frustrated client…

a Seller that won’t listen to you…

a buyer that blames you for not getting them a property they really wanted…

Hi, Brandon with the Polsinello Team at Remax and Build a Real Estate Machine

A while ago I heard someone say

…that as realtors we get more credit than we deserve when a home sells fast and we get more blame than we deserve when a home doesn’t sell…

and isn’t that the freaking truth…

on the flip side with Buyers, you run them around show them forty, fifty homes, everything on their list checks off, you make offers, you do everything that you can to get them what they want and…

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Have No Fear of Perfection...You’ll Never Reach it…

Hi, Brandon with The Polsinello Team at RE/MAX and Build a Real Estate Machine…

Are you the agent that says once I really get the language locked down in my scripting I’ll start making calls?

or once I really get my branding dialled in I’ll start sending out direct mail…

or when I get a little more confident or a look a little better I’ll start doing video…

Well, You waiting for the perfect moment or the perfect look or the perfect way you sound is impeding the progress of you moving forward in your business

Here’s the thing - if you are trying to grow your business, if you do want to get better then you’re going to do things today or tomorrow or whenever that you look back on and…

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Are you stuck in a seasonal mindset?

Around this time of year, agents in our market start to talk about going on holiday and taking time off and the market coming to an end for the year…

Different markets are going to get different seasonal adjustments but in our market when it gets cold and we get dumped with snow that traditional agent starts taking time off...

In real estate today, do we really have that luxury or predictability of seasonal time off anymore?

Consumer behaviour changes and HAS changed! There’s no real seasonality for the consumer that just clicked ‘Book a Showing’ on your website or sent you a inquiry or called you through the office…

The events that happen in people’s lives don’t work around seasonality…

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Can you have too many leads?

Can you have too many leads?

Hi, Brandon with RE/MAX Polsinello

this is something that we’ve had come up with our team over the past few weeks... Is there a such thing as too many leads?

We generate a huge amount leads every month from a lot of different sources and we funnel all those leads into our central database to be distributed out to the agents…

The problem that we started noticing is agent overload and overwhelm

A person that joined our team and worked a full twelve months would expect to hold anywhere from seven hundred and fifty to eleven hundred leads in that twelve months

that’s sixty to ninety NEW leads a month and that’s not including the junk that’s gets trashed...

Now if you don’t…

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Why Would I Give Up My Independence & Join a Team?

I get asked this question a lot…

Why would I give up my independence and join a team?

Now, if you’re skeptical about teams I’m going start this by saying this isn’t me talking about our team…

I’m not going to feature dump on your and tell you how great we are…

I’m just going to speak generally…

You might be that lone wolf agent that’s absolutely better on your own than in a group and if you got inside an team organization maybe it wouldn’t be the right fit…

but my belief is that for the majority of agents there is more to be gained from joining a team than there is being given up…

So what are you gaining by joining a team?

FIRST, a lot of teams are LEAD GENERATORS which…

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Leads, Prospects, Clients Don't Call Me Back...Welcome to the World of Sales!

Leads, prospects, clients don’t return my phone calls...

they don’t text me back...

and don’t respond to emails…

Welcome to the wonderful world of sales!

That's how consumer acts…. don’t get frustrated

You probably do it too!

Agents will say I spoke to them once call them 10 more times, sent 5 texts, 3 emails…they open them, no response…they’re not serious…

I’m done here and they’ll stop following up

Well, news flash, connecting with them about buying or selling real estate is not the most important thing in their lives until it’s the most important thing in their lives‼️

Just because they don’t answer once or don’t answer a lot doesn’t mean…

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5 Things To Remember When Changing Brokerages or Teams

We are at that time of year…

Where agents that are having a challenging year start thinking about making a change in brokerage…

If this you…here's a few things that I would recommend you think about...

First, what is the Support System like?

If you have questions that need answering who do you go to…during the week, on the weekends, in the evenings and if it’s time sensitive?

Is that brokerage or team really going to be there to provide you with the support you need when you need it?

As an example, on our team Frank and I are available 24/7 through a system that everyone in our team is in called Workplace by Facebook anytime someone on the team needs something they can…

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Tips For Creating & Improving Your Real Estate Videos

I REALLY DO NOT like being on camera…

I don’t like the way I look on camera…

I don’t like the way I sound…

and I definitely don’t like putting myself on video on social media where people can hurl negativity and crap behind their computers…

So what am I doing here…

Thankfully I have people in my life that help to push me out of my comfort zone and get me to do the things that I need to do to not only to achieve my goals but help the people around me achieve their goals.

If you’re not doing using video in your business you need to start.

It doesn’t have to be perfect I used to think the light needed to be right, sound needed to be perfect, what about the back drop, how do I…

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Do You Have a Proper Customer Relationship Management System?

How are keeping track of all your prospects, past clients, sphere, referrals, all the people you want to do business with? 

So that you’re making the right touch points at the right time…

So that you’re in the right place when they are ready to put their hand up and make a move?

Hi, Brandon Polsinello with RE/MAX…

When I started out we were running out of a system called AgentOffice - which some of you might know - still one of the best day-timer dashboards I’ve used.

Only problem was I think they stopped pushing updates in 2006 and I actually don’t know if its still around…

When our servers started crashing and we had to get out of Agent Office we bounced around for…

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